Jurisdiction Information

This page lists taxing unit (jurisdiction) information for HCAD account number 1251710020004 , and includes the most recent tax rate and the assessor-collector's name and phone number. The tax rate is expressed as dollars per $100 taxable value. Jurisdictions will set their current year tax rates during the Fall.

If a jurisdiction is inactive, it is shown in italic print on a blue background. An inactive jurisdiction may still tax a property, but it does not participate in the HCAD budget. If a tax rate for a unit is blank, HCAD does not yet have the information. Please note that the tax rate is expressed as dollars per $100 taxable value.

Online Tax Bill

Code Jurisdiction /
Taxing Unit
Over 65
2020 Rate 2021 Rate 2022 Rate 2023 Rate Assessor-Collector
004 CYPRESS-FAIRBANKS ISD 20 100,000 25,000 25,000 1.355500 1.339200 1.294800 1.081100 DAVID PIWONKA
(281) 664-6300
040 HARRIS COUNTY 20 320,000 320,000 0.391160 0.376930 0.343730 0.350070 ANNETTE RAMIREZ
(713) 274-8000
041 HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 20 320,000 320,000 0.031420 0.033490 0.030550 0.031050 ANNETTE RAMIREZ
(713) 274-8000
042 HARRIS COUNTY PORT OF HOUSTON AUTHORITY 20 320,000 320,000 0.009910 0.008720 0.007990 0.005740 ANNETTE RAMIREZ
(713) 274-8000
043 HARRIS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT 20 320,000 320,000 0.166710 0.162210 0.148310 0.143430 ANNETTE RAMIREZ
(713) 274-8000
044 HARRIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 20 320,000 320,000 0.004993 0.004990 0.004900 0.004800 ANNETTE RAMIREZ
(713) 274-8000
045 LONE STAR COLLEGE SYSTEM DISTRICT 8 75,000 75,000 0.107800 0.107800 0.107800 0.107600 ANNETTE RAMIREZ
(713) 274-8000
473 HC MUD 173 10 5,000 5,000 0.495000 0.462500 0.421350 0.382080 MONICA PENA
(713) 688-3855
633 HC EMERG SRV DIST 009 10 300,000 300,000 0.059492 0.057628 0.049984 0.044360 ANNETTE RAMIREZ
(713) 274-8000