Generally, identifies the highest and best use of the property as residential or commercial, unless otherwise deemed as special use. For commercial it
will also break down the land segments for the purpose of applying uniform rates and adjustments to a parcel of land within a neighborhood.
Generally, describes the more specific use of the property.
Unit Type
Identifies the type of measurement used for land valuation.
Gross Value
Square Foot
A numeric value representing the total units of land as defined in the unit type field.
Size Factor
Adjustments for lots smaller than the base lot established for the neighborhood. The
reasoning for this adjustment is that most lots in a residential subdivision will sell for the same or nearly the same price even though there are minor
differences in size. When improved with a house, the total package or selling price is typically the same. Minor lot size variations below the base lot have little impact on the selling price.
Site Factor
An adjustment to the land segment based on the site code.
Appr O/R Factor
The factor used to adjust the base lot value for a negative or positive influence affecting the land.
Appr O/R Reason
Describes the type of influence affecting the property.
Total Adjustments
Calculated by the following formula:
[Size Factor x Site Factor x Appr O/R Factor] = Total Adjustment
Unit Price
The base price per unit for a neighborhood or an area prior to any adjustments.
Adjusted Unit Price
Calculated by the following formula:
[Unit Price x Total Adjustments] = Adjusted Unit Price